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Welcome to ZENDASA

I think it only fitting that this initial post be one of introduction. After all, you probably want to know who I am, what I stand for, and what I will be ranting about, right?

So, first things first - thank you for viewing my site. I truly appreciate that. :) If you haven't already done so, move around the site. There's a lot more to see. I will make changes and updates regularly, so make sure you return as often as you can.

On to the introduction. My name is Becky. I am also ZENDASA - a follower of, devotee to, and advocate for: peace, contentment, happiness and fulfillment. I, wholeheartedly, subscribe to the notion that BALANCE is the key to obtaining those things. I'll take that even one step further and assert that I believe balance is the key to ALL things. Period!!!

Yet, finding, and maintaining, optimum balance can be an incredibly difficult task. It requires control, determination, dedication, consistency, introspection, unyielding tenacity, and sacrifice. It can be a continuous life-long process of trial and error. Sound a bit overwhelming? Consider the consequences of a life unbalanced - faultiness, instability, disorganization, and chaos. I don't know about you, but I think that sounds like a much more difficult way of living. In fact, it doesn't really sound like LIVING at all.

It is something that I don't particularly like to admit, but I spent nearly 3/4 of my life in a constant state of "wonky", and it was affecting me in ways that would not fully manifest themselves for decades. It was a personal, somewhat debilitating, health crisis that finally pushed me over the edge, and forced me to either learn to fly - or fall flat on my face.

After a year of countless "ologist" visits, a barrage of tests, and ineffective prescriptions, I was no closer to a diagnosis (and even more confused) than when I started. It was frustrating. And humiliating. "Perhaps it's all in your head", I heard. "You should probably just learn how to live with it", they said. Well it wasn't. And I didn't.

I began perusing the internet and doing my own research. And quite honestly, that too was frustrating; at first. Then I fell upon titles such as functional wellness, holistic health, and alternative medicine. Perhaps you've heard these terms yourself, but are confused as to their exact meaning. They are very similar in definition, and the core principle they all share is this: we are all very different; genetically and biochemically unique. This personalized approach treats the individual, not the disease. It supports the normal healing mechanisms of the body, naturally, rather than attacking disease directly. What happens within us is connected in a complicated network, or web, of relationships. Understanding those relationships allows us to see deep into the functioning of the body. The body is intelligent and has the capacity for self-regulation, which expresses itself through a dynamic balance of all your body systems. It also has the incredible ability to heal itself and prevent nearly all the diseases of aging. Health is not just the absence of disease, but a state of immense vitality. Rather than immediately throwing a disease or disorder label on symptoms, and prescribing its accompanying "wonder drug", these, more vital, concerns are addressed:

1. “Why do these symptoms exist in the first place?” 2. “What is the root cause; is something lost, missing, or out of balance?” 3. “What can we do to restore function?”

This intrigued me. And it made such perfect sense. Eventually I was led to the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and my life was forever changed. But it didn't stop there - with just me. The more I learned, the more my heart became burdened by the catastrophic number of people who are not being remedied by our current healthcare system. I know their anguish and despair. My purpose became clear - guide those who have given up hope of ever feeling "normal" again, so they may find their way back to health, freedom, and sanity.

These days, I'm proud to say, I not only continue to fly - I SOAR!!! Yes, occasionally I still come upon a wind disturbance and have to adjust my flight pattern but, by the grace of God, my wings never fail me.

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